March 25, 2010
3 month update
So I haven't posted in a while, so while I have a free minute I will. Connor is now 3 months and growing like a weed. We just this week increased his amount of food to 5 oz and changed out the nipples in his bottles to 3-6 mths so the formula comes out faster. He seems to really like this! He's gotten a lot more squirmier and tries so hard to hold his head up on his own but he still hasn't gotten it. When he lays on his stomach he tries to kick and raise his head to see things and to turn over, he looks like a little superman baby trying to fly (I'll post a pic below). During the day, I let him sleep on his stomach as long as I'm right there watching him. He sleeps so much better like that, and at night of course he sleeps on his back in his crib. At his daycare however, he has to sleep on his back and I know he won't sleep like that, at least not for long. He finally has outgrown all of his newborn clothes and I have them folded and put away. He's officially in 3 mth clothes now and some of them are getting snug lengthwise. He is so long and narrow! The biggest issue we are having right now his is attachment to his paci. He has to have it at all times, unless he's eating. He will wake up from sleeping and cry until someone puts it back in his mouth. We get up countless times in the night just to walk in there and put it back in his mouth. During the day its the same thing. I'm not sure if he's so attached to it because he was in the NICU for so long and that's all he had and they kept giving it to him or what. I've been reading online how to break this little attachment and it seems like they all say the same thing....just do it cold turkey. Clay and I are going back and forth on this one trying to decide if we should give it a try or if he's too young to do it now. But somethings gotta give! Connor smiles all the time, he likes for you to try to make him smile and to laugh with him. I especially love to see him smile when I walk in the room and he looks up and sees me. He looks more and more like his daddy every day. He coos a lot and is most of the time an all around happy little baby. We are so blessed! I go back to work a week from today so I just hope he will adjust well to daycare.

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