December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas Party at Day Care

Look Mommy

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They were excited about the cups they got just alike

Avery, Caden, Sadie, Caroline, Connor and Ms. Vicki (Ashley and Ella were missing)

Sadie giving a hug

Ladies Man

Best Buds

December 19, 2011

2 Year Check Up

Connor had his 2 year check up this morning. He weights 30 pounds and is 36.5 inches long (90th percentile).  He is getting so big! He's really talking now putting more words together and each day we can make out more and more of what he is saying. He loves to sing and he sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star all the time. He's still the best sleeper. He goes down around 8 and sleeps all night until around 6. He's also a great eater. He loves Chickfila and dumdum suckers. He will do about anything for one! He can name everyone he goes to daycare with and partially sing the ABCs.  It is so amazing to watch him grow and learn new things. I just wish I had more time to spend with him during the day. I'm so excited for the Christmas holidays because we are going to have some great mommy/Connor days!!

Polar Express

We had so much fun on the Polar Express. We sang Christmas songs, drank chocolate milk, had a cookie, got an ornament from the elves, and got to see Mr. and Mrs. Santa!

And on Saturday I got to go see Santa at the mall. I was such a good boy! No tears!!

December 17, 2011