October 26, 2010

I'm An Artist

Look at what I did at daycare

October 24, 2010

Boo At The Zoo and Cousins 2010

Boo At The Zoo

I rode a carousel  for the first time

The cutest lil lion

The lil lion crawling away

The beautiful Ariel

The active dinosaur

Dinosaur, Harry Potter, Lion, and Ariel

Carly, Jackson, Connor & John Reese

Jackson and John Reese

Carly and Connor

We decided to take Connor to Boo at the Zoo this year and see what it was. We heard they had a carousel, train rides, trick or treat candy land, and a big kid section. We might have enjoyed it a lot more if it wouldn't have been so crowded. I mean it was CROWDED and the lines were so LONG to do anything. We made our way through the trick or treat candy land (where you only got 1 piece of candy at a time) and just that took a whole 45 minutes. Then, we went to the carousel and stood in line forever and finally got our chance to ride. Connor actually liked this! After that, we left. Connor was exhausted and ready for bed. Saturday morning we took Connor to the park to take some pictures with all the cousins in their cute costumes. I think they are the cutest bunch of kiddos around! =)

October 18, 2010

October 17, 2010

Connor is 10 Months

My little one (or Rowdy as Clay calls him) is 10 months today! He amazes me every single day. We are so blessed and thankful that he is in our lives. He is now getting 7oz bottles, but only 3 times a day. He still really, really loves his bottle!! He likes pretty much any kind of baby food we feed him, and he is now really paying attention to us eating. He thinks when we eat, he should be eating too. We haven't given him very much table food yet, but he has tried and liked baked beans, bananas, rice, mashed potatoes, peas, and green beans. He is a speedy little crawler and loves, loves, loves to pull up on anything and everything. I'm getting excited about his first Halloween, first trip to the mountains, first Thanksgiving, and of course his FIRST BIRTHDAY! The next few months will be full of fun!

My favorite thing to play

At my first parade

Roll Tide

October 2, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We took Connor to his first pumpkin patch today and we had so much fun. We got to ride in a wagon to a pumpkin patch and pick out a pumpkin to bring home. They had live music, pony rides, 3 or 4 large inflatables to jump in, a little store for shopping, several different types of food stands and lots and lots of picnic tables. Connor sure does like his pumpkin he picked out. He didn't want to let go of it at all. I think we ended up staying for almost 2 1/2 hours. Here are a few of our pics.


Connor picking out his pumpkin

So happy with his choice

He didn't want to let go

He was more interested in the pumpkin

I'll just stare at my pumpkin

Still looking at it...

Look mommy I can hold it

An hour later still trying to hold it