Good Morning, This starts my 12th week of pregnancy. So far so good. I really can't complain. I still have not been sick any. No vomiting or anything. I do get headaches quite frequently but usually if I take a tylenol it magically goes away. All my clothes are getting way to snug now. Ive dragged out my old "fat" clothes to see about wearing some of those, but even some of those are tight!! My face has gotten rounder (not good with my puffy cheeks). I worked so hard and lost all that weight and its coming back so fast, I 'm really having a hard time adjusting to it.
We pic
ked out our nursery furniture!! the brand is Cocoon. Its so pretty, I absolutely LOVE it! We decided we want to get the 3 in 1 crib that converts to a full size bed, a nightstand, the armorie with a hutch and a 5 door chest. I just wish it didn't cost as much as it did! My parents offered to buy it for us, but I feel kinda bad b/c of how much it costs, but I don't know how me and Clay would ever be able to afford it though without their help! Thank God for wonderful parents. I hope one day me and Clay are the same kind of parents to our kids!!
It was AMAZING to see our first picture of our little baby. When I first saw the picture I think my heart really skipped a beat. It made everything so real, so exciting! For the first time I was actually excited about being pregnant. All my anxiety and fear just left when I saw the heart beat and saw the little picture.
I have so much anxiety about telling my work that I'm pregnant. I LOVE my job and the thought of not having it scares me to death! My bosses arent big on taking time off, heck one of them never even takes a vacation (except for this year)! I don't want to be replaced either. My biggest fear is that even if they get someone to just fill in for me while I am out, they will really like that person and then think that they don't need me anymore. I'm not sure why I'm afraid of this, b/c I know how much my bosses like me and my work. I need to just suck it up and thats what I did. I told them. I only really cried in front of one of them. The other two I got teary but didnt' cry. They seem to be really understanding and all told me congratulations!! I feel so much better now! They all said that they would work with me and I would have a job after maternity leave. Now its just a matter of how long I'll be out and who will sub in for me! But at least I have one anxiety out the door now.