September 29, 2010

Connor's First Office Party

One of my bosses turned the big 50 over the weekend, so we had him a surprise office party one evening last week. Connor was very shy at first and didn't want to be put down, but he eventually warmed up.

September 25, 2010

Catch Me

Connor has a new favorite game to play. I call it "Catch Me". He likes to crawl a little ways and let you come after him and get him, he thinks its so funny. Here is a little video of us playing...just keep in mind that we had already been playing for a while and I was already in my comfy clothes to relax for the evening so just pay attention to him and not me =)

September 18, 2010

9 Month Update

My little man is already 9 months old! It is so hard to believe that before I know it, he will be one. He weighs 17.11 ounces and is 29 inches long. He is crawling around everywhere now! He really likes to crawl in the kitchen and dining room for some reason. He loves to stand up too. Two of  his favorite new things he likes to play is peek-a-boo and ride-a-little-pony, he thiks its so funny! We are starting to introduce the sippy cup with water now, but he hasn't gotten the hang of it yet. He can drink from it if we hold it for him. On the upside, today for the first time he held his own bottle, twice. It is really bitter-sweet for me! I'm having a harder time than I thought I would with him growing up on me.  He gets baby food twice a day now and we just stated trying him with some Gerber puffs and yogurt bites. Again, he likes them, but we have to put them in his mouth. He can't pick them up yet, or when he does manage to pick them up, he doesn't know what to do wtih them and they either stick to his hand or he throws them on the ground. He is still a great sleeper, sleeping from about 7:30-8:00 until 6:00-6:30 the next morning. He really is a wonderful child! We are super blessed to have him. He still hasn't gotten a tooth yet and he is still only saying dadadadada....mama will eventually come ...hopefully!

Silly mommy and daddy

First time holding the bottle by himself
Bama Family

I can still touch my toes
Little Rocker
My buddy Uncle Al

September 11, 2010

Connor was supposed to be taking a nap this afternoon, but look what he decided to show me and Granna he could do instead....


September 4, 2010

I can crawl...I think

Connor finally crawled last night! He's still very unsure about it, and has only actually crawled about 3 or 4 more times since then, but nevertheless....he CRAWLED!

The past few days

Connor has become very, very active the past few days. At 8 1/2 months, he is really starting to show his adorable personality. He's such a happy baby! He's learning something new everyday and I love to see how he takes in the environment around him.