I picked Connor up from daycare today and Miss Vicki said he rolled over again this afternoon. When we got home, I layed him on a blanket on his stomach and played with him until he was ready for his nap. I thought he was half asleep so I got up and went into the kitchen to open the mail. When I went back in there like 2 minutes later, he was on his back...I thought, man I missed it again. This time I decided I wasn't going to leave his sight, so I got my camera and was ready. Finally, it happened...he rolled over!
April 28, 2010
Oral Surgeon
So we took Connor to the oral surgeon yesterday afternoon for a second opinion on his upper lip. We didn't find out much more than we already knew. He said he had not seen this in a child so young and he needed to do some research and consult with a pathologist. He said he didn't think it was a tumor, but he couldn't tell us exactly what it was. He wants to see him back in 2 weeks and see if it looks the same, even though I told him it has been there for 2 months now. He said they might have to hospitalize and sedate little Connor and remove it. I personally think he is way to young for that and I don't know if I would go through with that just yet! I'm just hoping and praying that by some miracle, it will go away on its on. He did say to try to keep the paci away from him as much as possible and to try the Nuk pacifiers and see if he would take those if he had to have one. So, I missed 2 hours of work for him to tell us just to come back in 2 weeks. Maybe the pathologist will have a better answer for us when we go back. I'll try to take a picture of his lip and post later this week.
April 22, 2010
"Mommy" and "Sickness" DO NOT go together
Being sick and being a mommy are two things that don’t go well together. Two days ago I started feeling really bad. My head starting hurting and my throat got all sore and I became congested. I figured it was just from all the pollen (even though I’ve never had bad allergies) and went on with my day. Yesterday I got to feeling a whole lot worse. I went to work but all I wanted to do was crawl back in the bed. I called the doctor and got an appointment yesterday morning. Turns out, I really am sick. I had 101.9 fever. He never did tell me exactly what was wrong, only that it looked like I had an upper repertory infection, except I had fever and you normally don’t run fever with that. He said I was contagious and wrote me 2 prescriptions. He said to stay away from my 4 month old. I went on home for the day to try to rest.
I really hope Connor does not catch this. As hard as it was for me last night, I didn’t hold him at all; I didn’t really even get near him. It is such an awful feeling knowing that he is right there looking at me and I can’t even go over and give him a little kiss. I can’t tell you how sad that made me. I couldn’t feed him, or give him his bath, or tuck him in. I’m really lucky to have such a great husband that handled everything last night without a single complaint. I just don’t want either one of them to catch this and I’m ready to feel better and snuggle with both my boys! Mommys don't have time to get sick.
I really hope Connor does not catch this. As hard as it was for me last night, I didn’t hold him at all; I didn’t really even get near him. It is such an awful feeling knowing that he is right there looking at me and I can’t even go over and give him a little kiss. I can’t tell you how sad that made me. I couldn’t feed him, or give him his bath, or tuck him in. I’m really lucky to have such a great husband that handled everything last night without a single complaint. I just don’t want either one of them to catch this and I’m ready to feel better and snuggle with both my boys! Mommys don't have time to get sick.
April 20, 2010
4 Months/ Pictures
My big boy now weighs 12 pounds and 9.5 ounces and is 25 inches long! He is growing so fast! He got another 4 shots (one liquid in his mouth) but he did very well with them. His check-up went well overall, except we have to take him to an oral surgeon next week to look at his upper lip. He has this red blister-like thing that we thought was just from sucking on his pacifier, but the doctor wants a second opinion to make sure it isn’t something more serious. He also gave us a prescription cream for his really red/dry skin on his neck and under his chin. It seems to be helping so far. His cradle cap is going away and is almost completely gone. Now only if he would grow some hair! Oh, I can’t forget to mention that for the past few weeks, he’s been sleeping all night until around 6-6:15! We are SO HAPPY about this! The doctor said we could start introducing Connor to some solid foods whenever we are ready. I think we are probably going to wait another month though.
We took Connor to his first A-Day game this past Saturday and he was an angel! He never even cried and we had him outside from around 11:00-4:45 or so. We did get to sit in the shade and a breeze was blowing. I was so proud of him and he looked so cute in his Alabama gear. He finally fit in a pair of blue jeans I bought months ago.
He’s been trying roll over from his stomach to his back. He gets half way there and then comes back down. He’s really cute to watch. Yesterday when I went to pick him up from Miss Vicki’s she said he rolled over twice! My first reaction was YAY, but then I realized I missed it. I missed his first roll over and it got me all upset. That’s the biggest downside of working; someone else gets to see everything he does first. I’m having trouble dealing with this =( but I know I’m not the only mom who experiences this.

We took Connor to his first A-Day game this past Saturday and he was an angel! He never even cried and we had him outside from around 11:00-4:45 or so. We did get to sit in the shade and a breeze was blowing. I was so proud of him and he looked so cute in his Alabama gear. He finally fit in a pair of blue jeans I bought months ago.
He’s been trying roll over from his stomach to his back. He gets half way there and then comes back down. He’s really cute to watch. Yesterday when I went to pick him up from Miss Vicki’s she said he rolled over twice! My first reaction was YAY, but then I realized I missed it. I missed his first roll over and it got me all upset. That’s the biggest downside of working; someone else gets to see everything he does first. I’m having trouble dealing with this =( but I know I’m not the only mom who experiences this.
April 14, 2010
April 6, 2010
The first time Connor has picked up a toy
Connor got a new toy ball for Easter and he really likes it. For the first time ever, he picked up the ball and moved it around. Usually, he will maybe hold on or touch for just a split second, but he actually picked this up. His face doesn't look like he's having much fun, but he did. I can't figure out to rotate the video though so its sideways...sorry
April 2, 2010
Back to work
My first day back to work was actually a lot better than I anticipated. The day started off by having to wake up extra early to make sure I got ready and got Connor ready to leave the house by 7:10. I knew if I was any later, I would be late to work. To my surprise I was actually ready on time and off we went. I took Connor in and took his picture (since it was his first day) and gave him a big kiss and looked in his adorable little eyes and said bye. That was the hardest part, he didn’t cry, he just stared at me leaving while Miss Vicki was holding him. I made it without any tears! When I got to work, I was greeted by Katie and then I noticed a sign on my door that said “Welcome Back” with pictures all around it of me and co-workers. Then, I found out they were getting donuts (chocolate with sprinkles for me). Yummy! It just kept getting better, we went to Olive Garden for lunch and then there was a cookie cake too! Oh and I had balloons tied to my chair in my office. I can’t say thank you enough (Katie and Andrea) for the thoughtful gestures to make my day the best it could be. I actually had a good day and didn’t think that much about Connor being in day care while I was at work. When I got to Miss Vickis to pick him up, she said he had a really good day. He was smiling and just as happy as he could be. However, when we got home, he did have a crying fit for a few minutes (I felt like he was telling me he was mad at me for leaving him, but I know that's not true). Clay also had me flowers and a card for my first day back at work to let me know he was thinking about me. This morning when I took him and he saw Miss Vicki, he smiled, so I felt better about it. I have to say that I have actually missed working these past few months and am glad to get back (but nothing beats hanging out with my little man). This week was only 2 days, next week will be the real test to see how Connor does 5 days straight with Miss Vicki. Here's to a great two days at work!

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