So we decided that since our Sunday School class (and Church) is very small, it would be ok to take Connor this past Sunday. It was still chilly outside so we bundled him all up and were on our way. He fell asleep before we even got there so I figured/hoped he would just sleep through the whole class. He did for about 10 minutes. Then he woke up (I think he got hot) and started crying so I walked outside the room with him. He kept getting louder and louder until he was absolutely screaming. I walked downstairs to the front entrance and was doing everything I could think of to calm him down. Did I mention that when I walked out with him, I left the diaper bag with Clay? Bad Mistake. I couldn't figure out why he was screaming, he had just ate and been changed. A lady downstairs kept staring at me and I felt like an idiot who couldn't calm her own child down. Connor is SCREAMING hysterical by now and another lady walked out to see what was going on. I told them about his lack of pooping problem he's been having and they told me a couple different ways to try to hold him to calm him. Finally I said, he probably just needs rocked. Then they say, we have a rocking chair back here in one of the nursery rooms. Once I got him back there and rocked him and talked to him, he finally calmed down. I couldn't wait for Sunday School to end and get Clay and leave. We didn't even stay for church.
That was the first public place we tried to take Connor, and it makes me very hesitant to try to take him anywhere else. What if he decides to have another outbreak like that in the middle of a store? They don't have rocking chairs everywhere I go!!