Last night when Clay's mom and dad came over to visit and watch the ultrasound video and see the pictures, they brought us a little gift. She brought Clay's baby blanket from when he was a little baby that his Mama Trimm had made him. Its precious. Also she brought a cute little pair of bear pajamas and 2 little books! Its baby Trimms first official its a boy gift!!
July 30, 2009
Unexpected Gift
Last night when Clay's mom and dad came over to visit and watch the ultrasound video and see the pictures, they brought us a little gift. She brought Clay's baby blanket from when he was a little baby that his Mama Trimm had made him. Its precious. Also she brought a cute little pair of bear pajamas and 2 little books! Its baby Trimms first official its a boy gift!!
July 29, 2009
It's a BOY

Well today we went for our 16 weeks appointment and we got to have an ultrasound done to determine the sex of the baby (we had to pay $109 out of pocket). He was very still at first, not moving or wiggling or anything so the ultrasound tech had to push and rub and poke at my belly to try to get him to move around. Finally it worked, and we got to see his cute little hand with all 5 fingers kinda waving at us!! It was so cute. Then we found out it was a boy and it just brought tears to my eyes. I was so excited to see this baby inside me move around and now we know the sex of the baby and everything. He sure has grown from last time. I too have grown a lot from last time. I was up 7 pounds this visit (better then 10 the visit before) but the doctor said for me to keep watching it. That means I have already gained 17 pounds and I'm only 4 months!! That scares me!! A LOT!! We invited my mom to go to the doctor with us and she was really glad she got to come. She also shed a couple of tears watching the video of our little baby boy wiggle around inside me. It was surreal! I already love him so much!! To make today even more special was our 3 year anniversary!! We will always remember this anniversary!
July 22, 2009
My Co-Worker Andrea
July 9, 2009
Second Trimester
Well I'm officially in the 2nd trimester and boy do I feel so much better!!! Not that I had a bad 1st trimester (b/c I didn't), but I just feel like a new person! My energy is back up. Im even exercising some (walking and prenatal exercise videos) in the mornings and evenings. My boobs aren't near as sore (unless I lay/sleep on them wrong) and my moods are stable!! I just feel great!! I have a little baby bump going on now, so its kinda cute to me and Clay! Oh and Clay has been wonderful during this whole process. He does and copes with just about anything from rubbing my back to my feet to fixing dinner to just putting up with my moods and griping! He's the best, he's my world and I love him so much!! He's super excited to be a dad.
July 4, 2009
Maternity Clothes
Well I did it, I finally had to buy maternity clothes! It was getting to the point where my boobs just couldn't breath in my shirts and my pants and even stretchy pants are not comfy anymore. So, I asked my mom to go with me shopping. We went to Motherhood Maternity and spent like 2 hours in there. I tried on tons and tons of clothes!! Finally I decided on a pair of shorts, denim capris, khaki capris, black dress pants, brown dress pants, gray dress pants and several tops! My mom bought me 3 outfits total!! That was very nice of her!! Now when I go to work on Monday, I will comfortably be able to sit at my desk and breathe!!
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