The finish line is finally drawing near!! At my doctor's appointment yesterday, I was actually dilated 1 and 1/2 cm and 50% effaced. That was such great news to hear, especially since I have been sick all week long. I'm still feeling pretty yucky and I can't breath, but compared to Monday, I feel so much better. The doctor said I was ahead of the curve with my dilation and all, but next time I go back, I could still be the same, or possibly more (I'm shooting for more). Connor will be here within the next 3 weeks and I'm so excited (and scared)! It's hard to believe that its actually almost time.
We also finished up the nursery last week, but since Ive been sick I haven't posted any pictures yet so I'll do that now.
Today was my 34 week appointment and everything is still going really well. Connor's heart rate was still good and my blood pressure was great. We talked about my feet and legs bothering me so much and the swelling that I now have. The Dr. told me to stay off of my feet as much as possible and keep them elevated. That is really hard for me to do b/c I don't like to sit still, but I guess I'll start trying a little more. I go to the Dr. every week now and next week he will start checking for progress =). The end is in sight!!
On a different note, I had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I really enjoyed getting to go home one last time before Connor arrives. We did get up and go shopping on Black Friday and I was SO EXHAUSTED, but I just had to go, I go every year.
Well it has now been at least 5 nights since I have had a decent nights sleep. You would think that after the first two, I would sleep soundly from pure exhaustion but nope, not me. I continue to toss and turn and wiggle and get up and just can't get comfortable. I don't take any naps during the day because I'm afraid if I sleep during the day, I really won't sleep at night. So I just fight it all day and hope that when bedtime rolls around I'll drift off to sleepy land. I am absolutely beyond exhausted and tired and sleepy! My legs hurt, my back hurts, basically everything hurts now. I still can't complain much because I made it 8 months without a lot of difficulty, so for that I am thankful.